Week 5 Term 2, 2017
*We are holding an information evening on: ‘What it means to attend a Catholic School’.
This is for anyone to attend who would like to know more about the unique aspects we cover at St Mary’s and the promotion of Catholic values as a Catholic School. We will look into the RE content taught, Sexuality programme taught, expectations and community spirit as well. WHEN: 5.30 - 6.30pm, Wednesday 31st May 2017, WHERE: St Mary’s School, Rooms 14. WHO: New families, those interested in continuing in the Catholic education system via JPC,.re we go for Week 5....
*We do have Head lice in Room 13. Please check your child's hair and treat if necessary. There are also a lot of nasty cold and flu bugs going around. If your child is unwell, please keep them at home. School is not a great place to be when you feel miserable and of course the bugs are then shared out with everyone....including ME!
*Writing - this week we are looking at explanation and focusing on compound sentences - these are sentences that have and or because or but joining two ideas that are linked. We will also be talking a lot about rereading sentences after we write them to ensure they sound right and have the correct punctuation.
*Maths - We will be spending the week on Statistics this week. The children will be deciding on a Mathematical investigation and will be gathering and recording data, and then presenting their findings.
*RE: we are currently working on the God strand. We are discussing how God created the world and how we are responsible, as God's family, for preserving the gifts he has given us. This fits in nicely with our Reduce, Reuse, Recycle study.
*Reading - I am really pleased with the reading assessments. Some kids have moved up a level and that is always pleasing. As a result of this testing I have found the following:
-the kids need to really focus on the meaning of the story which is comprehension. Many of them could read the higher levels very well but could not answer the questions at the end. It's a great idea to have a talk to your child after reading to ensure they have understood what they have read.
-some of the fluency and phrasing was low. Fluency can be gained from rereading texts often and phrasing can be improved by ensuring the kids read the punctuation carefully. Thank you for your support with home reading.
*Spelling - we will have a spelling test in Week 9. The test will be on the words the kids have been bringing home to practice.
*Cross Country - our race is coming up and we are practising as often as we can (weather dependent). I will let you know the details as soon as I know.
Golden Time - this week we will be making recycled art. Please could we have anything metallic you might have at home.....nuts, bolts, wire,old cutlery, necklaces, beads.
Have a great week
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