Quick Notices

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Week 8 Notices

Hi everyone, here we go for week 7....

*St Josephs Mass at 10 am in the Church, all welcome.  This is a very special Mass for our school because St Mary MacKillop, the founder of our school, was a Josephite Sister.  We still have a sister from the St Josephs order with us, Sr Carina, so we always make a special fuss of her on this day.  We also talk to the children about Mary MacKillop and how she walked in the footsteps of Jesus by teaching children their abc's and about God' love.

*Maths - this week we will be looking at place value: understanding tens and ones in numbers and how to use this knowledge to add and subtract.

*Writing - we will be writing reports this week.  We will look at communities and how bees live in a community where they depend on each other.  The reports will be around how we work together to achieve our goals.

*Reading -  I have completed all the reading testing. I have identified a few areas we all need to work on so this week we will be looking at:
*fluency - making our reading voices sound like speaking voices.
*comprehension - understanding what the writing is about and finding the message in the words.
The reading is progressing nicely, please keep up the practice at home - any book will do, as long as they are reading.  If you have concerns or you do not know how to help your young reader, please email me and I will send you some helpful hints.

*R:E: we will be working on understanding Mary MacKillop and her call to be a messenger for God.  We will look at how she came to found our school and the work she did in and around Rotorua.

*This week I will contact the parents of those children who are struggling to meet the National Standards.  It is important to note the progress that children make during their time at school and not simply measure them by a standard.  All the children in room 13 have made significant progress in just 6 short weeks, however, we are required to contact all parents if their children appear to be finding any aspect of school difficult.  The idea is that we all work collaboratively to move them along so they are working at a similar level to those in their cohort. Every single child in our learning family has something valuable to offer our group and we work on that premise every day.  Lets all just keep in mind that these darlings are only 6 and 7 and have a long way to go in their schooling.  We simply want to set them up for success right from the word go.

*Golden Time: this week we will be making rock buddies.  If you have any feathers, pipe cleaners, googlie eyes etc at home, please send them along.

Have a great week

1 comment:

  1. Cool rock buddies we have some things will send in Wednesday:-)


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