Quick Notices

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Week 3

Happy Birthday to Bronson who is turning 7 on Sunday. 
I hope you have a fun day!🎂

Congratulations to our lucky winners of the Reading Log draw...

We were lucky with the weather last week and managed to swim everyday. The water was lovely and warm. No swimming this week.

I will be testing the children's reading this week. On Monday, instead of our normal reading groups, the children will have free choice reading and a poem.

The Junior school is leading the Rosary on Wednesday morning. We have four readers from Room 13. I'm sure Jun, Bianca, Chloe and Shubh will do a wonderful job. Parents are very welcome to attend.



8.45 Rosary - led by the Junior school

10am All Souls/Saints liturgy

Golden time - Nerf/soft ball tag

Note for your diary : Grandparent's Mass. Friday 10th November. Please come and celebrate this special day with us.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Term 4 Week 2

Week 2
Firstly a big "Well done" for running the Assembly on Friday.  It's not easy to stand up and talk/sing to the whole school. Everyone did their part perfectly.  I was so proud of you all!

On Tuesday we welcomed Faith into our class. She has settled in nicely and is making some lovely new friends.

Next week we start swimming. Please make sure all of your clothes are named including sunhats.
Reading logs are due back by Wednesday. We only have 9 returned in the class so far! There are some great prizes to be won.
On Saturday there is a working bee at school beginning at 8.00am. There are a range of handy-man jobs to be done and help would be appreciated (even for an hour or so). Morning tea and a BBQ lunch will be provided. 
It is a busy term ahead with lots going on. I will keep you up to date with important events. 

Monday 23rd October
Labour Day  - no school

Tuesday 24th October

Wednesday 25th October
8.45am Rosary - led by the Middle school.
Reading logs due back

Thursday 26th October

Friday 27th October
Assembly  - Room 16 and 17

Saturday 28th October
8.00am Working bee at school

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Term 4 Week 1

I hope everyone has had a lovely holiday. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow in summer uniform. Remember to bring a sun hat too!

This term is only 9 weeks long and it will be a very busy one. Here is a quick overview of what we will be learning in class...

Maths - Our focus will be on consolidating our addition and subtraction knowledge and strategies. We will continue to develop confidence in problem solving abilities and also look at measurement.

Writing -  We will write in a variety of genres, our main focus being Recount and Narrative writing.

Reading - Our reading program will continue as last term, making sure we have all our reading strategies in place and extending our knowledge through independent literacy follow up activities. 

R.E -  October - Rosary
         Holy Spirit and then Advent.

Concept - Our concept this term is Symbols, messages within images.

We will be swimming this term on even weeks starting in week 2. Our swimming time is 12-12.30pm except on Wednesdays, when we will swim after lunch. The pool is very warm.

This week it is our turn to run the school assembly. Parents are most welcome to attend at 2.05pm.

Please can you return R.E books and portfolios to class this week.

Monday 16th October
Welcome back to school.

Tuesday 17th October

Wednesday 18th October
8.45pm Rosary in the hall, led by the Seniors.

Thursday 19th October 

Friday 20th October
Room 13's Assembly!