Quick Notices

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Cross Country

Please remember PE gear for the annual Cross Country race tomorrow.

See you there.....Go Room 13!

Monday, 26 June 2017

Cross Country

Junior Cross Country

Thursday at 9:30 on the field - all welcome to come along and watch Room 13 blitz it!

                                Image result for cartoon kids running

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Week 9 Notice

Week 9....

*It is getting very close to the end of the term when Portfolio's and Reports will go home.  Please ensure your child is at school every day unless they are legitimately unwell.  We will be completing some assessments over the next two weeks and it is very difficult to go back and catch up when kids are away.  Please if you still have your child's Portfolio at home, could you return it on Monday.

*This week is Maverick's last week with us.  He will be moving to Auckland with his parents.  I am sure everyone will join with me in wishing him and his family all the very best.  We will miss you Mav.

*On Thursday afternoon we have a visiting musical group from Australia.  The children will (hopefully) be enchanted by some lovely music from 1:30pm.

*This week our Activ Board projector stopped working so we could not watch the movie.  Instead we played balloon pop in the hall which was awesome fun.  The boys won the first round and the girls, (with some help from me) came back in the second round.  I took some cool photos and will post them on the blog.  This week we will be baking for Golden Time.

*This week is Matariki.  We have a Liturgy planned for Tuesday at 10 am and there is a coloring competition for the kids.  We will also be learning about Marariki in class this week.  Also to celebrate Matariki, there will be a cultural dinner in the hall from 5:30pm on Wednesday 28th June. All families are invited to attend and bring a plate of food to share.

*All children in Room 13 will bring home their report on Friday 7th July.  Some will be Anniversary Reports (after two years at school) and some will be Interim reports (after 18 months and 30 months at school).  If you have any concerns about how your child is progressing, please email me so that we can meet to discuss this.  I am very pleased with how the children are working at school and will discuss what they are currently able to do and what their next steps will be, in their reports.

Have a great week

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Outside Play

Today was a glorious day outside.  I took an iPad out on duty with me and captured some of your gorgeous kids at play.  Here they are...

digital learning

The kids in room 13 love digital learning.  There are a few websites we use regularly in class that the children can access from home to.  Here they are....




Some of our kids are on the Lexia program as well.  They have their own login and password for this.  Ngati Whakaue funds this program for our school and the expectation is that the kids will work on it at home.  If your child is lucky enough to be on Lexia, please take advantage of it by supporting them for 10 minutes each day at home.

Many thanks

Buddy Reading

This is what fantastic buddy reading looks like - well done you super teachers and learners.....

Week 8 Notice

Hi everyone, here we go for week 8 - can you believe it?

*Mass at 9am

*Golden: Time: we will try for our movie and popcorn again.

*Maths: This week we will continue with addition and subtraction problems.  We are trying to make our addition effective (getting the right answer) and efficient (quick and easy) so we are learning how to split the additive to do this.

eg if we have 45 + 7 =

We can make 45 a tidy number then add what is left.....

We know that 5+2 make 7  so we can add the 5 to 45 to make 50 (a tidy number) then add the 2 to make 52. 


45 + 5 = 50

50 + 2 = 52

We want the kids to be able to write the equation using these steps above.

The other kids are counting on so need to be able to hold 45 in their head, then count on 7
eg 45....46....47....48....49....50....51....52

Writing - this week we are writing explanations as well as some prayers about God's creations.

Reading - our reading is going very well.  We are focusing on going back to the beginning of the sentence if the reading sounds weird or doesn't make sense, hearing errors and fixing them and comprehending what we are reading.

*Next week we will be doing some assessments for the Portfolio which will go home at the end of the term.  Please have your child at school every day unless they are legitimately sick as it is really difficult to go back and get assessments done once the class has completed them.

Have a great week

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Weekly Notice - Week 7

Hi everyone, sorry my notice is late this week, I was a  bit preoccupied with J Rock this last weekend.  Now that is all done and what a super day and night it was too, here we go for week 7.....

*Writing -  this week we are writing Reports - factual stories to share information.  We started to day with some research on Recycling and are hoping the end result will be some lovely, informative posters we can put up around the place about the need to recycle.  We are focusing on capital letters, full stops, sticking to the facts and writing paragraphs.  

*Mathematics - we will continue our unit on addition and subtraction this week with a focus for the Stage 4 and 5 kids on splitting numbers to help add and subtract.  

For example:

If the number story was 23-6=   we might ask the kids to split 6 into 3+3 then take 3 away from 23 to make 20 (tidy number) and then take a further 3 away to make 17.  

 I am trying to get them to see the equation and be able to use facts they already know to solve it. Obviously to do this they need to know their facts to 10 instantly.   We are talking about being efficient (quick and easy) and effective (getting to the answer) mathematicians.

*Reading - we are going really well with reading.  Keep up that lovely home reading and and remember to read to your child every day.  If they read extra books, write them in their reading log too.

*Juicies and Sausages - just a reminder that juicies are now $1.50 so it is $3 for a sausage and a juicy rather than $2.50.

*Golden Time this week will be a movie and popcorn.

*We have photos this Friday.  Please ensure your child is in their correct winter uniform and that you have your photo order in by Thursday at 12.30.
I will check hair etc before we are photographed so send a brush if you are worried your darling might need a touch up.

*Our lovely Oli is going to be leaving us at the end of the term for an exciting adventure in Scotland with his family. While we are truly excited for them all, we will most certainly miss Oli and I will be particularly sad to see my special "cat" family go.  Who will go home with the Russell strays now?  Sooo, we are going to have a party for Oli and give him a super duper Room 13 send off.  I will send more details out asap.

Nicola looked after our class yesterday while I was out at J Rock and she said and I quote, "wow, what an awesome class".  I said, "um of course, we are the best class in the school!"  Thank you for encouraging your kids to be well mannered, to work hard and to treat new people to our class with respect.   It makes me very proud when I hear they have had a great day with a reliever.

Have a great week,

Friday, 9 June 2017

Sharing in God's Creation - Our World

We have been learning about God's Creations over the last few weeks.  We have learned that God created all the things in nature, including us and that we use those things God gave us to make the things we need to live comfortably.  Today we copied pictures of the world and pasted photos of ourselves on them.  These pictures are a symbol of us appreciating the gift of the World that God gave us.

Here are some of the pictures....

Recycled Metal Art

Today we had a go making recycled metal art.  We looked on Pinterest and had a discussion about what we might like to try creating and then planned our art using our cardboard backing.  Here we are creating....

Monday, 5 June 2017

Weekly Notice

Hi everyone, welcome back to another week of great learning in Room 13.  I hope you all had a lovely long weekend and everyone is refreshed!  Here we go for Week 6.....

*We had such a great time last week with our Autumn theme, which was not planned but sometimes you just have to go with what nature presents to you.  The kids did some amazing art, which can be seen in the hall foyer, wrote some gorgeous poems and carried out some very clever statistical maths investigations.  We had a lot of fun playing with leaves too.

*Maths - this week we will be looking at addition and subtraction through problem solving.  It is expected after 2 years at school, that the kids will be able to hold a number and count on and back to solve addition and subtraction problems.  

For example
There are 23 kids in Room 13.  On Thursday, 6 kids were away.  How many kids were in Room 13 on Thursday?

The children might say...
23 - 6 =       hold 23 in their head and count back 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17

or if they have that consolidated they might.....

23 - 3 = 20 and 20 - 3 = 17  this is the beginning of breaking numbers and is the first step towards working towards "after 3 years at school".

Now that some of our kids are working towards 3 years at school, the expectation is that they will be able to use other strategies such as separating tens and ones and adding in tens. 

For example:
There are two paddocks on Mrs Russells farm.  In one paddock she has 34 calves and in the other 23.  How many calves does Mrs Russell have altogether?

If the children are working towards 3 years at school they might say....

34 + 10 +10 + 3 = 57   They break the 23 into 10 + 10 + 3

or they might say....

30 + 20 = 50 and 4 + 3 =7 so 50 + 7 = 57

Some of our mathematicians are already working at Stage 5 "after 3 years at school" and are able to work into the thousands.  We need to have a really good understanding of numbers to 1000 and place value to be able to do this.  

*Writing - we are assessing writing this week.  We will be looking at explanation writing which we have made a good start on.  The assessment task will be in the kids portfolio at the end of the term.

If you have not sent back your child's portfolio back to school, please do so that I can put this terms assessment tasks into it."

*R.E - we are continuing our strand study on God.  We are looking at the creation story and deciding what God created and what man has made.

*Reading - wow, some of our readers have reached Silver which is awesome!  While testing over the last few weeks I identified these areas of need...

-reading punctuation - if the children do not read commas and full stops their phrasing is off and the story does not make sense. Please ensure they are pausing at a comma and completely stopping at a full stop.

- comprehension -  lots of our kids can read anything they pick up now which is marvelous.  We do need to make sure they understand what they have read and that they are taking something from the story.  It is helpful if you ask them a couple of little questions after they read such as...

why did ___________ do that in the story?
where did they go in the story?
why do you think that happened?
What made ____________ say/think that?

If you take a bit of time to check in, you will see the bits they have not understood and then perhaps they could have another go at those parts the next night.  The reason for only giving them two books a week is so they can reread stories and get a really good understanding of them.

-rereading - I encourage the kids to reread the sentence if they get stuck or if it just doesn't sound right to them.  Rereading helps them with fluency and comprehension so just give them a little reminder before they start reading.

Golden Time: this week we will attempt again to complete our recycled art.  Please send anything shiny to school this week - nuts, bolts, old jewellery, cutlery - anything shiny at all.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our class and your kids learning.  We are having such a great time in Room 13, they are an amazing bunch of kids and it is super cool spending my days with them.

Have a great week

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Maths with Statistics

We used our leaf collection to carry out a maths investigation.  We decided to find out some information about the Autumn leaves in the St Mary's school playground.  To do this we needed to do some sorting or grouping. Some of us grouped according to size, some used colour and some used shape as their category.  Then we made a tally chart and a picture graph of what we found.

We found a lot of different information and then we had to comment on what we noticed.  We wrote a conclusion which stated things like...

*there are many red leaves in the St Mary's playground
*most of my leaves were brown because it is Autumn and the leaves are dying
*some of our leaves were green because some trees are evergreen and don't lose their leaves in Autumn
*a few of my leaves were yellow, they were not dead but they were dying

Today we used our leaves to make some super Autumn art.  We looked on Pinterest to get some ideas, then made a decision about what we wanted to make and what we would need to do it.

Last day of May

We realised on Wednesday that it was the last day of May and so, the last day of Autumn.  We decided to have some fun in the leaves and to do some Autumn maths, writing and art.  Here we are collecting our leaves (data) outside.

We gathered our Autumn leaves, then chose our favourite 20 with our buddy.  We did lots of talking and compromising during this activity.