Hi everyone and welcome back to school. I hope you all had a great holiday with your children and took advantage of some of the great weather we have had.
Here we go for week 1....
*Portfolio's: all portfolio's went home on the last day but because we finished early, I didn't get the parent comment forms in. I will send them home tomorrow and hope you will take a few minutes to give your child some feedback and feed forward and praise them on all their hard work.
*Liturgies: There is an ANAZAC Liturgy tomorrow at 10am in the hall and one on Tuesday at the same time for the Resurection. All families are welcome to join us.
*Assembly: Room 13 is responsible for Assembly this week. If you can come along it would be great for your kids to see you there. Assembly begins at 2:05pm on Friday.
*Trip: We will be going on our trip to Rainbow Springs in Week 3. If you would like to come along, we will need parent transport and supporters while at the park. A note will go home this week for you to fill in if you can help. If you didn't get a chance to send the money in for the Art Auction, please do so this week. Many thanks for your support with the auction, it was a great learning experience for the children and they really feel like they have worked to earn the money for their trip.
*Reading: I would love to see all Reading Logs returned this week please. We will continue with Guided Reading, Buddy Reading, Independent and shared reading this term. Every child will bring at least 2 books home a week. It is important for their understanding of the story and for fluency that they reread their stories often. Please encourage them to read every day.
*Writing: this term will continue writing every day, focusing on recount, explanation and imaginative writing. We will also be focusing on spelling patterns and blended sounds such as ai, ou, ar etc.
*Mathematics: This term we will be spending a good amount of time working on building maths knowledge and how we can use it to problem solve. Week 1 will be around Halves and doubles.
*R.E: We will be focusing on the Resurection and Personal Prayer for the first part of this term. We will then look at God and Jesus. The Prayer book will come home with every child and inside will be a reflective journal where each family can write a prayer. It is a lovely resource to have in the classroom and the children are very proud of their families prayers. It does not have to be long and can be thank you , I am sorry or an asking prayer. Thank you for your support with this.
*Concept: Our concept this term is Sustainabiity: conserve, preserve, maintain. We will be setting up a recycling station in our classroom and looking at ways we can help our countries clean, green image. If you have any clean recycling: buttons, small cardboard boxes, tubing, plastic containers, etc, please send them to school over the next two weeks so that we can design our recyclable art pieces. Ooh nuts and bolts would be great too.
*We have another busy term ahead of us, thank you for your ongoing support which makes my job so much easier.
Have a great week
Quick Notices
Sunday, 30 April 2017
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Term 1, 2017
Hi everyone, firstly a big thank you to all of you for a great term and a terrific start to 2017. Your kids have worked really hard and are well deserving of a lovely long break. Thank you also for being available today to pick them up early. It was all a bit of a rush and we didn't get to do our Last Supper or have our Pizza lunch. We will do these in the first week of Term 2.
I hope you all have a blessed Easter and that you are all well rested for a busy Term 2.
I didn't get a chance to paste the Maths stages in for the children. This is the knowledge the children need to know for the end of two years. If you can practice some of this over the holidays, that would be wonderful.

Some of our kids are already working at Stage 4 and have a lot of this knowledge instantly. The next Stage might be helpful for them....

Here is some of what we got up to in Term 1.....
The famous St Mary's Donkey Parade....
Popcorn fun.....
Last Supper Liturgy...
Just Dance - inside fitness....
What a cool group of learners we have in Room 13. Have a great holiday you guys, see you in Term 2.
Love Mrs Russell xx
I hope you all have a blessed Easter and that you are all well rested for a busy Term 2.
I didn't get a chance to paste the Maths stages in for the children. This is the knowledge the children need to know for the end of two years. If you can practice some of this over the holidays, that would be wonderful.
Some of our kids are already working at Stage 4 and have a lot of this knowledge instantly. The next Stage might be helpful for them....

Here is some of what we got up to in Term 1.....
The famous St Mary's Donkey Parade....
Popcorn fun.....
Last Supper Liturgy...
Just Dance - inside fitness....
What a cool group of learners we have in Room 13. Have a great holiday you guys, see you in Term 2.
Love Mrs Russell xx
School closing early today
We have been advised by the Ministry of Education to close school by 1pm today.
Please collect your your child/children from their classroom at 12.30 today. Thanks. Apologies for the short notice. |
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Week 10
Holy Week - Week 10
*Holy Week is the most important time in the Catholic Calendar. It is a time for reflecting on the last days of Jesus life and the important happenings of the week.
We will be re enacting the Washing of the Feet and the Last Supper so will need the children to leave their Jesus clothes at school. I will send them home Thursday. Please talk to your children about these events and see what they have picked up at school in their lessons.
*Art Auction - thank you for your great response to our Art Auction. If you have not yet bid on your child's work but would like to, you still have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will check out the winners of the Auction and get your prize to you on Thursday. Winners will be notified on the blog on Wednesday afternoon. Can all money be in by Thursday please?
We have decided to have the trip in the second week of Term 2. This week is particularly busy with Church events and because we are visiting Rainbow Springs, I wanted to do some preparation work with the kids prior to our visit. We will have a Pizza lunch on Thursday to end our term and will have the trip to look forward to after the holidays.
*School finishes on Thursday at 3pm. There will be no school on Good Friday.
*Interviews - you can go online and book an interview. The code can be found in the latest newsletter. Remember these are 3 way goal setting interviews and the idea is that the children are present for these. We are working on goal setting at school so the children will have some ideas of their own to share with you. If you cannot make the interview times, please let me know and I will make another time to see you.
*Reading - if you would like some readers for the holiday period, please let me know and I will organise these for you. Remember that reading to your child is also very important. It allows them to hear what good reading sounds like. Please keep this up during the break.
*Writing - I will be sending home the free writing books over the holidays. It would be great if the children could write a holiday journal - something each day - in their journal. They need to remember to start with the date, use a capital letter for each new idea and finish with a full stop.
*Maths - the maths sheets will come home with the knowledge your child needs to work on in order to move to the next stage. All children are expected to be working at Stage 4 by the end of two years at school (not at the end of Year 2 but at their anniversary). Please take some time to practice some of this maths during the school holidays.
*Thank you all for your input this term and for a great start to the year. The Room 13 kids are well and truly on target for a great year of learning and I look forward to some great stuff in Term 2.
Have a Holy week.
*Holy Week is the most important time in the Catholic Calendar. It is a time for reflecting on the last days of Jesus life and the important happenings of the week.
We will be re enacting the Washing of the Feet and the Last Supper so will need the children to leave their Jesus clothes at school. I will send them home Thursday. Please talk to your children about these events and see what they have picked up at school in their lessons.
*Art Auction - thank you for your great response to our Art Auction. If you have not yet bid on your child's work but would like to, you still have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will check out the winners of the Auction and get your prize to you on Thursday. Winners will be notified on the blog on Wednesday afternoon. Can all money be in by Thursday please?
We have decided to have the trip in the second week of Term 2. This week is particularly busy with Church events and because we are visiting Rainbow Springs, I wanted to do some preparation work with the kids prior to our visit. We will have a Pizza lunch on Thursday to end our term and will have the trip to look forward to after the holidays.
*School finishes on Thursday at 3pm. There will be no school on Good Friday.
*Interviews - you can go online and book an interview. The code can be found in the latest newsletter. Remember these are 3 way goal setting interviews and the idea is that the children are present for these. We are working on goal setting at school so the children will have some ideas of their own to share with you. If you cannot make the interview times, please let me know and I will make another time to see you.
*Reading - if you would like some readers for the holiday period, please let me know and I will organise these for you. Remember that reading to your child is also very important. It allows them to hear what good reading sounds like. Please keep this up during the break.
*Writing - I will be sending home the free writing books over the holidays. It would be great if the children could write a holiday journal - something each day - in their journal. They need to remember to start with the date, use a capital letter for each new idea and finish with a full stop.
*Maths - the maths sheets will come home with the knowledge your child needs to work on in order to move to the next stage. All children are expected to be working at Stage 4 by the end of two years at school (not at the end of Year 2 but at their anniversary). Please take some time to practice some of this maths during the school holidays.
*Thank you all for your input this term and for a great start to the year. The Room 13 kids are well and truly on target for a great year of learning and I look forward to some great stuff in Term 2.
Have a Holy week.
Sunday, 2 April 2017
Week 10 Notices
Hi everyone, here we go for Week 10....
Mufti Day Wednesday for Caritas. Gold Coin.
R.E: the next two weeks are busy ones in the Church with the lead up to Easter.
Mufti Day Wednesday for Caritas. Gold Coin.
R.E: the next two weeks are busy ones in the Church with the lead up to Easter.
Thursday 6th April is Stations of the Cross @ 9:00am in the church
Friday 7th April is the “Palm Procession” on the field at 9:45am
Thursday 13th April Washing of the Feet Liturgy/Last Supper re-enactment in the hall @ 10:00am
Please could the children bring their Jesus clothes to school this week. Below is a picture to help. If your don't have anything appropriate, please let me know as I have some in the class.

Next week we will re enact the Last Supper so the Jesus clothes can stay at school until then.
If you would like to share the ideas around the Stations of the cross, check out the link below.
*Maths: I am currently testing Knowledge and will send home some ideas to help the kids move onto the next stage. It is a great idea to practice these for short bursts often as repetition helps consolidate the learning.
*Reading: If you would like some reading for the holiday period, please let me know and I will organise some books for your child to take home. I am really happy with how the reading is going in Room 13.
*Writing: We have been completing some writing assessments at school and these will be available to look at in the Portfolio during the holidays. The writing is coming along nicely. We are working on ordering ideas and keeping the momentum going throughout the writing.
*There will be Parent interviews in Week 11. It is expected that the children will accompany you so that we can set some goals together. The process for interviews is on the school website.
*We are hoping for a trip next week to Rainbow Springs. Further information will be sent home soon. The art work for our Silent Auction will be up on Tuesday. Please check it out and make a bid on your child's painting. The money raised will pay for the trip.
Have a great week
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